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Team Introduction

Meet the team

The team consists of students from different departments and programs as well as research engineers from the University of Waterloo.

We are ~20 people from around the world working on this awesome car. Each of us has individual tasks and responsibilities, which will bring the Moose to life.


The team is divided into six work groups:

  • motion planning and control

  • perception

  • system

  • integration

  • software development

  • vehicle testing (SIL and HIL)


Below follows a brief introduction of the team members.

Team Introduction

Meet the team

The team consists of students from different departments and programs as well as research engineers from the University of Waterloo.

We are ~40 people from around the world working on this awesome car. Each of us has individual tasks and responsibilities, which will bring the Moose to life.


The team is divided into six work groups:

  • decision making, motion planning, and control

  • perception

  • system

  • integration

  • software development

  • vehicle testing (SIL and HIL)


Below follows a brief introduction of the team members.

University of Waterloo

Autonomous Driving with Autonomoose

Researchers and Technicians

Co-op Students and Undergraduate Research Assistants

Past Members

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